Category: GDPR

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Is Privacy The New Security?

Security is a very wide subject. If we pare it down to cybersecurity, it still covers everything from the wanton damage of IT systems to espionage to data breaches. Security touches all points in a system, from the human operator out to the Cloud and beyond. Cybersecurity is a fundamental aspect of an identity system.…
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May The Forces be With You: Using IPaaS for IAM and GDPR

The General Data Protection Directive GDPR which comes into force on May 25, 2018, may well be the most written about directive ever. There is a reason for this. It is complicated, involves data, and it cuts across country boundaries like Attila the Hun could never achieve. I recently did a webinar on GDPR, hoping…
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Hacking The GDPR

Just uttering the words General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is almost enough to make grown adults faint. The GDPR is the updated and more stringent version of the European Union Data Protection Directive 95/46 EC which goes back to 1995. Things have changed a lot since the nineties. For one thing, the Internet in 1995…
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