Just add trust...to transact
Lessons for identity from real-time payments and mobile wallets Ask anyone in the digital identity world, and invariably they will say that identifying someone to do a transaction is complicated. Anyone who thinks you can present a mobile wallet and bingo, you are verified to transact, is the equivalent of saying a swan glides but…
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Crisis planning is integral to many cities across the planet and we see it in use when natural disasters strike. When the magnitude 9 earthquake hit Japan in 2011, previous disaster planning kicked in. But the response has been criticized because of the predictive limitations that informed the disaster recovery attempts. Other criticisms highlighted too…
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In a previous article, I talked about how we need to build a smart identity for a smart city. The article, hopefully, pointed to building a perspective on what smart actually means. But, smart cities are built up from many smart pieces. These ‘smart pieces’ are really just an evolution of our current critical infrastructures…
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Security is a very wide subject. If we pare it down to cybersecurity, it still covers everything from the wanton damage of IT systems to espionage to data breaches. Security touches all points in a system, from the human operator out to the Cloud and beyond. Cybersecurity is a fundamental aspect of an identity system.…
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If you wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night with the letters GDPR floating just above your bed, then fear not, Customer Identity Access Management CIAM is your knight in shining armor. I don’t need to tell those of you working with personal data that the GDPR is nuanced and…
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